Wisbech Netball League

@ Thomas Clarkson Academy

Wisbech Netball League Umpiring

Chairperson - Mel Chamberlain (Whittlesey Warriors)

Organises the AGM & start-up meetings and all committee meetings. Deals with any correspondence.

Vice Chairperson - Alison Briggs (Whittlesey Warriors)

To help with presentation events and stand in for Chairperson at meetings or AGMs.

Treasurer - Baillie Brown (Whittlesey Warriors)

Responsible for banking all the monies collected at start up meetings & tournaments etc. To collate all income & expenditure & produce am end of season balance sheet for the committee & teams to account for all monies.

Affiliations Secretary - Katelyn Hemsley(Ladybirds)

Checks registration, score cards and affiliation. Keeps teams up to date with affiliation info.

Fixtures Secretary - Sophie Hunt (Rookies)

Completes the fixtures for winter & summer leagues.

Publicity & Website Officer -

Sends weekly results to the local paper. Helps organise photos of winning teams with teams rep. Updates website with all matches & adds in scores on a weekly basis.

Umpiring Secretary - Belinda Pedlar (Ladybirds)

Organises umpiring rota and sorts any umpiring problems. To attend County Sub Committee umpiring meetings and liaise with them to organise courses, mentoring and tests. Updates website with umpiring info.

Coaching Secretary - Vacant

Helps pass on information to players of any coaching courses. To attend any County Sub Committee coaching meetings. To organise coaching events within the league.

Secretary - Mollie Briggs (Whittlesey Warriors)

Assists chairperson in organising committee meetings & AGM. To produce and collate all AGM paperwork.

Minuting Secretary - Emma Brown (High Spirits)

Takes minutes at all WNL meetings & must be emailed to the committee within 7 days of the meeting.

Teams Representative - Isabel Edgington (Jets)

Helps organise any end of season functions. Organises photos of winning teams & with publicity officer gets them put in the paper. Keeps an up to date Team Captain contact list. Prepares a Newsletter at the end of each season to give out at the AGM.

Tournament Representative - Vacant

Organises all tournaments for the league.

County Representative - Chair or Vice Chair

Attends any county meetings on behalf of the WNL.

Safeguarding Officer - Tanya Shephard

Responsible for acting as a source of advice about safeguarding & protecting children, promoting good practice & first point of contact for any referrals within the league. Must have attended a safeguarding course.

Social Secretary - Vacant

To help the vice-chairperson with the organisation of the presentation evening & any other events within the league.

Estover Youth League Organisers - Mel Chamberlain/Em Collin (Whittlesey Warriors)

Organises the Estover Youth League which runs over a summer and winter leageu.

General Committee Members

Invited to attend committee meetings when a decision has to be made that will affect the league.